The next meeting of the Ghost Club is postponted.

“I received a card from the Vice-Chairman:

‘Every member will have heard the news of the sudden death of Mr Harry Price.’

My family commitments in the late forties prevented my attending many Ghost Club meetings, but I had arranged to be present at the meeting scheduled for 21 April 1948.”

“The card that Harry Price sent to me from his home in Pulborough, saying that he was looking forward to meeting me, may well have been the card he posted before returning home that day in March 1948 when he sat down in his armchair, and died almost instantly.”

Suffolk and Essex Free Press, Thursday 8 April 1948; obituary for Harry Price by Peter Underwood

“…only as investigations are carried out without his help and advice, will his loss be fully realised...”

The grave of Harry Price

Underwood’s account of Price as a paranormal investigator can be found in his collection The Ghost Hunters: Who They Are and What They Do (1985).

Price amassed an extensive library of occult and magical literature. which was bequeathed to Senate House Library.

Photograph by Tom Ruffles of The Harry Price Library of Magical Literature